You are closing in fast on one whole month of life on Earth! We're loving every day with its many ups, downs, and in betweens. You don't really like being swaddled or being out of arms. Your grip is getting stronger. You spend more time awake and longer stretches asleep. You follow us with your eyes. We sing you Ramones songs and you seem to like it. You're getting heavier by the minute. I'm tempted to take you to the grocery store and weigh you but we'll wait until February's trip to the Farm. I don't think the other shoppers would appreciate a baby on their produce scale!
Some highlights from your third week...
You pooped all over the couch and seemed pretty pleased about it.
You received your first piece of mail (from Uncle Walker).
You experienced the first of many visit from Aunts Olivia and Sophia, who loved your chubby cheeks and soft head.
You went on several successful restaurant outings during which you slept soundly and won over many admirers.
A smile.